Ronix Wakeboards

Wakeboarding News
Wakeboarder Thoughts
Wakeboarder Thoughts is an ongoing "journal" by Editors. Check back often for new thoughts on wakeboarding, wakeskating, this web site, and other random stuff.
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Hosting Fun
Well, the hosting fun continues. The addition of the Media Center and Gear Guide this season, as well as general site growth is once again causing a ton of bandwidth usage which tends to get pretty darn expensive.

In the short term, we've moved the Media Center and Forums to a new server location where bandwidth is cheaper. Users shouldn't notice any difference though.

The good news is that we may have found a "wakeboarding friendly" host that can help out the situation.

- posted by staff
Based on the success and great community has created, has been launched to server the Nautique community.

If you've got a Nautique or have any questions about them, this is the place to go.

I think it's great that there are "fan sites" like this run independently from the companies themselves. It allows the owners to share opinions, tips, experiences, and find expert help for issues they face. Great stuff!

- posted by staff

Land Wakeskating
The guys at Flowlab came across a wakeskate and put their Deep Carve System trucks and wheels on a wakeskate to ride behind a car. Here are some cool photos of the action.

If you've never tried a Flowlab board you should, it's a fun ride.

- posted by staff

Broken Board
As you may have read below, I haven't rode much this season. However, I managed to break my board even in a few short riding sessions. I seem to have a knack for doing this. The thing that really bums me out is that it was a DoubleUP diamond tip and they no longer make the shape. The one I had was the last cosmetic blem DoubleUP had of that shape. Looks like it's time for me to get to know and love a new shape! A sad day...

- posted by staff

Wakeboarding Unleashed Growing On Me
After getting over the initial reactions I had to Wakeboarding Unleashed, I've grown to enjoy the game quite a bit.

At first I had a similar reaction to others where I found things to be too unrealistic, thought it was too hard to do wake tricks without hitting things, soundtrack wasn't great, etc. But after getting over those things I find myself having a lot of fun trying to pull off gaps, complete the challenges, and pass the level objectives. Some of them are quite stupid, but the game does a good job of using the challenges and objectives to build up your skills by making you learn to do certain tricks, making you learn how to manual, how to slide a long way, or how to keep combos alive.

Overall I'm pretty satisifed with it and my full review will be on the site soon. I think it's a pretty darn good effort for a first big time wakeboarding game. The question is, will there be another wakeboarding game?

- posted by staff



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