Wakeboarder Thoughts is an ongoing "journal" by Wakeboarder.com Editors.
Check back often for new thoughts on wakeboarding, wakeskating, this web site, and other random stuff.
Gear Guide
Well, it's taken a while, but we've finally put up the Gear Guide we've been working on for the last few months.
It's a work in progress, as we'll continually be adding products in various categories as time goes on. You might notice now that some categories are empty. Users can also upload products to be added as well, so don't be shy if you see anything missing that should be there.
It works a lot like the Media Center, so those of you who have used it will be familiar with how it works. To upload or review/rate a product, just login using your forums username and password.
Thanks a lot to Jacob Sagemuehl, Shawn Madison, and Jason Haines who have all been helping a ton by adding products to the guide.
- posted by staff
Parks Innovating
Parks has done it again with his Switch Double Flip 360. This is where he takes his Double Half Cab Roll and adds an extra 180 and handle pass at the end. That's pretty nuts stuff.
A lot of people have been complaining that wakeboarding hasn't seen many new tricks recently. However, innovation is still going on, every new video I usually see some variation of a trick I haven't seen before. We just aren't seeing totally huge groundbreaking tricks such as this one. And even in this case, it's just adding and extra 180 to an already admittedly difficult trick.
There is still room to grow though. Wakeboarding products improvement has slowed down some, but the products will continue to get better, riders who start riding younger are starting to reach the pro ranks. They have the advantage of growing up riding from when they were very young, having great products to ride with the whole time, and having all the instructional knowledge out there. When I started riding in 1991, the first 5-6 years were on such bad products it was hard to progress. I learned to jump the wake in 1991, and didn't do an invert until 1997. That was 6 years! Most of the young up and coming riders learned multiple spins and inverts their first season. That's a huge difference in progression, and they didn't pick up tons of bad habits like I did due to bad equipment and lack of instructional help.
The future is bright for trick progression.
- posted by staff
Land Tantrum
Check out this land tantrum video clip on Wakepics.com. Funny stuff, glad to see the guy came out okay. Be careful when edging hard towards land!
- posted by staff
New Trick Tip!
Yes, it's been a long, long time, but we finally put up a new trick tip. I also prepared a few more so I can put up one a week or so to get the summer going. I'd like to do a lot more trick tips this season to give people to work on out on the water.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like to see.
- posted by staff
Friday Fun
Just another reminder to not borrow video cameras and then return them without erasing the tape: