Wakeboarder Thoughts is an ongoing "journal" by Wakeboarder.com Editors.
Check back often for new thoughts on wakeboarding, wakeskating, this web site, and other random stuff.
Dog Island The Dog Island is one of the craziest things I've seen, but probably quite enjoyable for the dog, and it could help stop unwanted pets.
Maybe we need a wakeboarder island?
- posted by staff
Media Feature
We've go ta new photo/video feature that we're configuring right now that should be added to the site this weekend. It allows users to upload images and videos, create galleries, rate pictures, and other peachy keen things. Keep a lookout for it.
- posted by staff
We're looking to take our advertising to the next level here at Wakeboarder.com, so I recently came up with some commercials for the site, disregard the Fanta Shokata ad at the end:
I don't know what to think. I was a big Miami Vice fan when I was little, so I was of course crushed to see that Don Johnson was recently stopped with 8 billion dollars while "car shopping" in Europe. Something about that says illegal to me!