Grabs are the essence of boardsports which really allow
riders to define their style. A grab is performed when a rider grabs the board in various
locations with their hand. For trick tip
help, please see the Trick List. If we're missing a grab, submit it
Canadian Bacon: Rear hand, toeside grab, between feet, through legs.
Chicken Salad: Front hand, heelside grab, between feet, through legs, arm is twisted, lead
foot is boned out.
Crail: Rear hand, front toeside grab, back leg is boned out.
Indy: Rear hand, toeside grab, between feet.
Indy Nosebone: Rear hand, toeside grab, between feet, bone out your front leg and point it back to
where you came from.
Japan Air: Lead Hand grab in front of front foot while board is brought up so it's
perpendicular to the water.
Lien Air: Lead hand, heelside grab, board pushed in front of rider, back leg boned out.
Melancholy (Melan): Lead hand, heelside grab, between feet, front leg is boned out.
Method: Lead hand, heelside
grab, between feet, board is brought up to waist.
Mute: Lead hand, toeside grab, between feet.
Nose: Lead hand, grabbed on tip of the board.
Nuclear: Rear hand, front heelside grab, back leg boned out.
Palmer: Lead hand, front heelside grab with a twist.
Roast Beef: Rear hand, heelside grab, between feet, through legs.
Seatbelt: Rear hand grabs the nose of the board across the riders body.
Slob: Lead hand, front toeside grab, back leg boned out, board rotated 180 while in the air.
Stalefish: Rear hand, heelside grab, between feet.
Stiffy: Board is brought out flat in front of the rider. Typically done with an Indy or
Roast Beef grab.
Tai Pan: Lead hand, toeside grab, between feet through legs.