Ronix Wakeboards

Wakeboarding News
User Demographics
The following are user demographics that have been tabulated from a survey on This survey is run and the results are tabulated by a third-party source for validity. Below are the questions with the current results from each question below it.

Which of the following groups includes your age group?

55-64: 1%
45-54: 1%
35-44: 8%
25-34: 28%
18-24: 32%
Under 18: 30%

Are you male or female?

Male: 87%
Female: 13%

What level of education have you completed?

Some High School: 31%
High School Graduate: 9%
Some College: 27%
College Graduate: 24%
Post-Grad Work: 4%
Post-Grad Degree: 4% Prefer Not To Answer: 1%

What is your total household income?

$100k +: 18%
$75k-$99.9k: 13%
$50k-$74.9k: 23%
$35k-$49.9k: 9%
$20k-$34.9k: 7%
Under $20k: 13%
Prefer Not To Answer: 17%

What is your occupation?

Senior Management: 1%
Other Management: 5%
Professional: 16%
Technical: 15%
Sales: 8%
Administrative: 1%
Other Employed: 9%
Homemaker/Full Time Parent: 1%
Student: 41%
Retired: 0%
Not Employed: 3%

Are you a US resident?

Yes: 86%
No: 14%

Have you bookmarked this site?

Yes: 75%
No: 25%

In a typical week, how much time do you spend on the internet?

20+ hrs: 12%
11-20 hrs: 16%
6-10 hrs: 28%
3-5 hrs: 27%
1-2 hrs: 14%
Less than 1 hr: 4%

On average, how much time do you spend on in a typical visit?

60+ mins: 4%
31-60 mins: 4%
21-30 mins: 12%
11-20 mins: 38%
5-10 mins: 34
Less than 5 mins: 8%

How frequently do you visit

Daily: 33%
Several times a week: 36%
Once a week: 14%
Several times a month: 5%
Once a month: 2
Less than once a month: 0%
First visit: 9%

If you're interested in getting your message in front of wakeboarders, please contact or call Ed Harmon at 512-789-3149.



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