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2 11487 Thu January 29, 2004
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100% of reviewers $12.75 3.5

Video Information:
Film Company: Attention Deficit
Format: DVD
Featured Riders: Keith Lyman, Erik Ruck, Shawn Watson, Aaron Reed, others
MSRP: $34.99
Web Site: N/A

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Chase Heavener is an artist...a true filmmaker. I guess that $30,000 a year education of his is paying off...if not in a monetary sense, than definitely in an artistic sense. In addition to incredible wakeboarding footage of select riders Keith Lyman, Erik Ruck, Shawn Watson, and Aaron Reed. Expect much in the way of interesting visual aesthetics.
Keywords: Invisible Cinema Attention Deficit


Registered: July 2003
Posts: 16491
Review Date: Tue November 11, 2003 Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: $15.49 | Rating: 4 

Pros: Editing, Uniqueness
Cons: Too Short

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible…

So what happens when you combine imagination, sick riding and great editing? You end up with Invisible Cinema, an artistic showcase of incredible wakeboarding talent from some of the world’s best.

The Cinematography was very good throughout the film, with a variety of exciting shots and angles. From down at water level to overhead, interesting views worked well in combination with the great camerawork.

The entire film spans approximately 24 mins and is probably the shortest video I have seen to date, but thankfully the dvd also includes many bonus sections that kept me entertained after watching the actual video.

I really enjoyed the music in this video as it was unique and offered quite a range of sound from Boards of Canada to the Rolling Stones. It was not the standard tracks you would usually hear in a wake video.


The Featured Riders in this film include Keith Lyman, Erik Ruck, Shawn Watson and Aaron Reed.
The introduction begins with a great slider session including a bunch of other pros and then cuts to Lyman’s section.

Keith just kills it, his riding is so smooth and he goes big as always! He does a great job linking a variety of tricks and throws in some huge ollies for good measure over docks as well as up onto some sliders and other obstacles.

Erik Ruck serves up some huge spins and lots of inverts making it all look effortless. There is some great riding from Ruck and best of all a load of big double-ups. While I still did enjoyed this section, for some reason I found this to be my least favourite in the video.

Shawn Watson’s section shows off what I love about watching this guy, his style. Watson makes the sliders look easy, and glides through the air with spins and grabs as if it’s nothing. I just wish that his part could have been a bit lengthier.

All I can say about Aaron Reed’s is “wow”. The intro to Reed’s part is hilarious with the sketches and the two “cable kids”. I don’t want to spoil it so you’ll have to check it out for yourself. Usually I enjoy watching wakeboarding more than wakeskating, but this is definitely my favourite section of the video as Aaron throws down some great technical moves and the one segment of him sliding some concrete coming out of a channel was awesome!

The video also features a big slider down a hill into the lake, Parks aka “freak” doing his 30 foot ollies out of a pool into the lake along with some unreal double-ups! The video also includes some footage mixed in of Harf, Shane, Sharpe, Murray, Gator, Grubb, Horrell and Byerly.

Bonus Features

While the video is short, I love some of the bonus features included. The bonus section has trailers for the video and a full-length commentary. The commentary was funny at some points but got rather annoying with a lot of stupid jokes. I would have enjoyed hearing a bit more about the actual shooting, production and editing of the video. Another section entitled “random” contains exactly what the title describes, some random clips with parks hitting a double cab roll an old kneeboarding video, and some other funny stuff. Also included are ‘after effects’ post production video samples, some strange (and pointless) skits/short films as well as movie art.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed most aspects of this unique and artistic video and would rank it up near the top of my list as a definite favourite. My only complaint is that I wish it could have been maybe 10-15 minutes longer with perhaps some more riding footage. Overall I would rate this video 4 out of 5 stars.

Registered: January 2003
Posts: 4738
Review Date: Thu January 29, 2004 Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: $10.00 | Rating: 3 

Pros: editing, effects, good music, the riding that was in there
Cons: short, not much riding just a lot of cool effects

well ontrider gave a pretty in-depth reveiw so I'll just sum up my general idea of the film. I really enjoyed the video. It had some really cool and interesting effects and the editing was good too. The only drawback of this is that it was missing something... oh ya riding. I think the film is 19 minutes not including credits and probably only 12 minutes were riding. I don't feel real ripped off tho as many who bought blacklist did because i only paid 10 dollars about one third of the price of an average dvd. Even though there is a lack of riding, it has been hanging around in my dvd player for a while. i have a weird fascination with the video. The way the music, editing, effects, and riding all flow together show the amount of time the crew put into it. I also enjoy some of the bonus features. the expedite rule is a cool little video that reminds me of something my friends and I would throw together(and we've made some pretty bad ones) the commentary also reminds me of my friends just hanging out, chilling and messing around, its good for a laugh every once in a while but doesnt give you any info on the making of the film.

Basically its a pretty good wake flim with a lot of effects and good editing but it has a serious lack of riding. It would make a good addition to your video collection but isnt an essential. If you can find it for cheap get it cuz it has a cool vibe.

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