Reviews Views Date of last review
3 14480 Wed March 10, 2004
Recommended By Average Price Average Rating
100% of reviewers $65.00 4.0

Buy Now From Boardstop:
  • Hyperlite Life Vests

  • More Information:
  • Hyperlite Life Vests

  • Product Information:
    MSRP: $99.99
    Sizes: M-XL
    Web Site:

    A molded, protective vest that becomes a wetsuit. This non coast guard approved vest has removable sleeves for varying weather conditions. Throw some logos on it with the included stencil kit. [Protective vest only - not a flotation device]

    Vest Features
    • Lightweight molded EVA construction

    • 1.5" wide strap

    • Heavy duty zipper
    Keywords: Hyperlite Punk vest

    Butta Seeka

    Registered: January 2003
    Posts: 1970
    Review Date: Sun July 27, 2003 Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: None indicated | Rating: 3 

    Pros: the stencil thing is cool, somewhat comfy, the arms thing is a good idea for theose early morin sets
    Cons: not the most flexible vest in the world

    not the best vest in the world, but the arm thing is a very good idea and when i took em off the zipper dident get in my way at all.

    Registered: August 2003
    Posts: 219
    Review Date: Mon August 25, 2003 Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: $80.00 | Rating: 5 

    Pros: lightweight and comfy
    Cons: sometimes the ziper to the rest of the wetsuit gets itcy

    Good vest the best one i`ve ever had!

    Registered: September 2003
    Posts: 4067
    Review Date: Wed March 10, 2004 Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: $50.00 | Rating: 4 

    Pros: very comfortable to ride with
    Cons: doesn't float you as well as approved vests

    The removable sleeves are nice in case the water or air is uncomfortably cool. It's not bulky, rather slim-fitting. It comes with a bunch of stencils that you can use to create your own graphics if you like.

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