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0 35940 Tue June 24, 2003
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Camp Information:
Location: Orlando, Florida
Instructors: Darin Shapiro
Boats Used: Master X-2, Malibu Wakesetter VLX
Rates: $300/day, $2000/week (5 days)
Web Site: RideTheSpot.net

Our typical day begins around 9am with several sets of riding. After that we take a lunch/rest break then go back out and hit it in the afternoon. We offer unlimited riding at The Spot so we can structure your sets in a manner in which you get the most out of your day. Most schools simply offer 3 fifteen minute sets. We on the other hand like to spend adequate time with each rider in order to maximize learning. We have been doing this for many years and feel that we know how to setup your schedule so you will be your strongest both mentally and physically each day.

As anyone who has ever been to RIDETHESPOT can tell you, we are constantly improving things. We try to make every aspect of RIDETHESPOT perfect...

Whether it be the boats, sliders, house, or landscape (plan on seeing Darin elbow deep in dirt and palm trees at any given time!)
We do not really consider ourselves a camp, but rather a cool place to hang out and learn as much as you like.
Keywords: spot ridethespot

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