
Reviews Views Date product posted
0 7458 Sat November 19, 2011
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  • Ronix Wakesurf Boards

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  • Ronix Wakesurf Boards

  • Product Description 2012 The Duke 5' 5" WakeSurf board:

    Let's hit the E-brake on the 21st century hustle. Sometimes you need to quit updating your social media site, replying to the "what did you do last night?" text, and on August 12th, our self proclaimed go ride day, even school and work should be taking a rain check. Sometimes you need those days and a product to remind us all of why there is no feeling like riding sideways on the water. Last year we came up with a no hurry, relaxed, toes on the nose longboard that should be coming with some 25 SPF sunscreen, a coupon for a free Mai Tai and a hang loose Waikiki fluoro tank top (but it doesn't). The thickest, most buoyant surf constructed board in our range has our thickest/full rail with a forgiving soft bevel. New for this year, we bumped up the nose rocker and surface area too. The result is our most stable easy going soul turn special that is even more forgiving for a Sunday afternoon cruise. Grab a couple of your favorite chums, regardless of the surfer's
    size or boat wake, and experience the endless wave of this new design.


  • Machined EVA top deck with built in tail wedge
  • 1 Longboard specific bottom mount fin
  • The chance to ride your favorite longboard skateboard on the water now
  • Surf constructed - lighter, faster, more buoyant, and yes more fragile (handle with care)
  • Epoxy Construction - Harder resin equals a stronger board
  • Erik Ruck approved for the soul of surfing

  • Keywords: 2012 The Duke 5' 5" WakeSurf board

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