Ronix Wakeboards

Wakeboarding News
Running With Scissors Video Coming Soon
By Don Wallace of Liquid Force

After months of filming and editing, Cadmium Films is nearing completion of its new 16 mm wakeboard film. The film, which is titled
"Running with Scissors", looks to open the viewers eyes into the future of the sport of wakeboarding. Today's hottest riders have been caught on film doing moves never seen before, with a flair all their own. Film-maker Justin Stephens has been hard at work completing this film which features the riding talents of Shane Bonifay, Shawn Watson, Gregg Necrason, Danny Harf, Brian Grubb, and Chad Sharpe.

When asked about his film, Justin Stephens had the following to say about why he chose the riders he did. "I wanted to make a film on today’s riders that are actually bringing something different to the table. Each one of the guys that I filmed is doing their own thing, setting their own mark. Gregg's been doing his own thing for years and continues to do so. The other guys in my film are the new style leaders. These guys don’t look to anyone else but themselves to see where to take the sport. It's been really fun."

This film is Justin's second venture in the wakeboard market and looks to be a solid contender as one of this season’s best. Justin's first film, Project Watson, received rave reviews for stepping outside of the typical wakeboard film mold, and this new one has already received praise for the amazing riding captured.

Bill Mc Caffray, Alliance Mag front-runner, viewed a final cut of the film before it was sent off to the duplication center, and had the following to say. "Justin's edit style offer's us a reflection of the sport with a little urban flavor to it. This less agro approach seems to be the new style for wake videos and "Running with Scissors" will help to further define that direction. Shane's part is one of the best sections I've seen in a wakeboard video. It ranks up there with Parks' part in the Faction, and some of Byerly's parts in earlier films. I'm proud to have our name associated with it."

The film will be shipping to wakeboard dealers within the first week of September and will be available on, as well.

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