2011 Gator Ltd CT Bindings, sz 12-13 ONLY PAIR IN AMERICA, WOW!! Ads from this Seller · Contact Seller
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twolfcorner2009 4052 Tue April 12, 2011
Asking Price Condition
SOLD! ($325.00) New

Description: Looking to sell a brand new, unused, still in the box pair of 2011 Gator Boards Gator Ltd Closed Toe Bindings, sz 12-13. I received these as a replacement to a warranty claim and were directly shipped to my door step from their production facility. From talking with Erik "Gator" Lutgert and the company's receptionist/customer service specialist a few times over the phone, they do not plan on bringing ANY of these into the US this year, and if you look at places like buywake.com, the-house.com, or any other boarding websites, you will not see a single pair of these for sale. You would truly be the only one riding these in the States. If I hadn't already bought a new pair a couple of months back then I would be riding them. If interested I can take some pictures, please feel free to PM me or email me if you have any questions!

Would like around 325 for it, as the regular and lower tier GB Bindings from 2011 are Retailing at 280-315. Am flexible to a degree though.

Here's a link to them at Gator's website:
Brand: Gator Boards
Size: 12-13

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2012 Ronix One Modello 138cm Never been ridden

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