2009 Mastercraft X-Star Ads from this Seller · Contact Seller
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seth045 102384 Mon March 28, 2011
Asking Price Condition
$60,000.00 Used

Description: This boat is super clean. Only 54 hours! Freshwater only! It has a MCX 350, Perfect Pass, full billet collapsable tower, 4 tower speakers, 6 interior speakers, 10" sub, 2 tower lights, Ipod connection, stereo remote, Bimini top, full Matercraft cover, folding board racks, folding fiberglass platform with rubber mat, snap in carpet, stock ballast plus Fly High package, built-in cooler, heated bolster seat, tower mirror, cabin heaters, cockpit table, billet divider, bow latter, built-in battery charger, video/audio plug, lots of storage, plenty of drink holders, push-in cleats, tandem trailer, and factory warranty. I may have left some things out. Please call if you have any questions. Priced to sell! I will consider a trade for 30k and a boat worth 30k.
Tower: yes
Board Racks: yes
Ballast System: yes, stock plus Fly High
Bimini: yes
Trailer: tandem
Stereo: clarion, 4 tower, 6 cabin, 1 sub, 2 amps

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2009 Mastercraft 22 X-star

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