Malibu Wakesetter VLX 2005 Ads from this Seller · Contact Seller
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dmartar 14614 Tue July 28, 2009
Asking Price Condition
SOLD! ($43,500.00) Used



Description: Red Black and White with black illusion tower. 340 HP Indmar Assault with 407 hours. Perfect Pass speed control. Awesome stereo system. CD/MP3 with jack for IPOD. 12" sub with two Kicker Amps. 6 6' Sony Xplode Speakers throughout boat with 4 6" Sonys on the tower in Chrome tub enclosures. 4 Malibu wakeboard racks (will hold eight boards) and black bimini top. Also comes with black trailerable cover. Depth finder, water and air temp. Equipped with Malibu Launch System which consists of two ballast tanks in rear, one tank in the middle, bow tank, and Malibu Wedge. The wake is a monster when fully loaded. The carpet is silver in color. Interior is mostly white with red accent panels and black piping. It also has a black tandem axle Dorsey Trailer with alum. rims. Heater, swiveling drivers chair with flip up bolster. Kept inside in excellant condition
Tower: Illusion
Board Racks: 4 Malibu Board racks, holds 8 boards
Ballast System: 1350 lbs MLS plus Wedge
Bimini: Black
Trailer: Tandem axle Dorsey
Stereo: Sony

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2002 Malibu Wakesetter

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