PIONEER Wakeboard Tower Speaker/6 Light Combo **FREE SHIPPING** Ads from this Seller · Contact Seller
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JoMama Customs 3513 Mon June 9, 2008
Asking Price Condition
SOLD! ($675.00) New




Description: Brand New Wakeboard Tower Speaker/Light Combo by JoMama Customs™

This is the hottest looking combo out there. The only one on the market with chrome can style halogen lights AND polished diamond plate. This setup looks HOT from every angle and puts out AWESOME light and UNBELIEVABLE sound quality! Some of our exclusive features are:

7" diameter, poly filled, aluminum speaker cans
5" chrome halogen lights
Oversized 6-3/4" Pioneer Speakers
CLEAN DESIGN, no visible bolts & no bare wires!
NEW FOR 2008...heavy duty polished aluminum clamps and bright new colors

Each combo puts out over 300 watts of high power halogen lighting and is capable of handling up to 500 watts (total power) of audio input. All components are rubber mounted to absorb shock and vibration. Oversized aluminum clamps are polished to a mirror finish and will fit nearly any size tower. Lights rotate 360 degrees and adjust vertically plus or minus 10 degrees. Speakers are Pioneer Premier TS-A741P models mounted in a sealed, poly filled 7" aluminum can that is gloss black powder coated (thats right, these shiny beauties are powder coated for durability). This unit features a weather resistant 4-pole electrical plug so the lights can be wired on 2 seperate circuits (front facing and rear facing). Take advantage of our Summer Special, as it is well below the $855 retail value!

Mounting Specs: Mounts are 40" apart and the entire unit measures 47" in length.

We gladly ship to the U.S. and to our friends in Canada and Australia.

**Black not match your boat? Contact us, we love to customize just for you!** us at
Brand: JoMama Customs Original

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